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The Mount Stewart Schools home page

The Mount Stewart
Schools Federation

Uniform Information

Every pupil must wear the school uniform. We believe that the wearing of a school uniform fosters the feeling of belonging and encourages children to take pride in their school and their learning environment. We are very grateful to parents and carers for supporting the school with the wearing of our school uniform.




Mayfair School Outfitters

463 - 465 Kingsbury Road
020 8204 8117


Earth Uniform Online




Preloved Uniform Sale


Mount Stewart Federation offer preloved uniform for sale.  We are keen to offer this service of affordable, quality clothing so families can save money and reduce items going to landfill and clothing going to waste.


Suppose you have any items of uniform, PE kits, coats, and even dressing-up outfits in a good re-saleable condition that you would like to donate. 


All proceeds from these sales will be going towards updating our school Library.  


To place an order, please click on the link below.   Once payment has been received, your order will be passed to your child to take home - you will be notified when this has happened.


All items for sale have been checked for quality and laundered if needed.

Items that are deemed unfit for resale (these are items that are too worn, stained, or torn) will either be:

  • sold on to a textile recycling company - such as Bag2School collections
  • re-gifted to the Children's Centre to help those in need of school uniform


         Uniformed link: Uniformd