Home Learning
Mount Stewart Home Learning Information
Pupil Activities:
- Pupils are expected to complete all activities on the home learning grids and have the flexibility to present their ideas in various formats.
- Possible presentation formats include posters, PowerPoint presentations, spider diagrams, models, pictures, videos, or extended text (either handwritten or typed).
- Pupil's creative efforts will be celebrated in class.
- Students, there are statutory word-lists, comprised of frequently used words and commonly misspelled words.
Daily Reading:
- Parents are provided with various resources (Read Write Inc and Accelerated Reader) for daily reading, including a PDF guide, recommended reading lists, and an age-specific book list from School Reading List for Schools.
Online Home Learning Platforms:
- My Maths: Weekly tasks need to be completed via pupil logins.
- Numbots or Times Table Rockstars: Practice times tables through the pupil accounts.
- Accelerated Reader: Daily reading and quiz completion are encouraged.
- Additional multiplication practice resources for students are provided through specific websites.
Overall, the Mount Stewart Home Learning program encourages diverse and creative submission of activities, emphasises the importance of regular spelling and reading practice, and provides multiple online resources for additional learning and practice.