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Schools Federation

End of Year 4 Expectations

Year 4


In Year 4, children are expected to demonstrate neat, fluent, and joined handwriting consistently across all writing tasks. By this stage, their handwriting should reflect control, precision, and confidence. Key expectations include:

  • Maintaining consistent letter sizing, with lower-case letters, capital letters, and digits correctly proportioned in relation to one another.
  • Producing neat and clear handwriting that is legible and well-spaced across the page.
  • Using their joined handwriting fluently in all writing activities, including independent tasks and extended pieces of writing.
  • Ensuring neat handwriting is maintained when making improvements during the editing process, such as when using a 'pink pen' to revise their work.


By the end of Year 4, handwriting should not only be neat and legible but also an efficient tool for communication, allowing children to focus on the content of their writing without being hindered by the mechanics of handwriting.


In this example, the child has achieved a clear, fluent style with consistent letter sizes, and their handwriting remains neat and precise even when they have edited their work. This demonstrates that they are successfully embedding the handwriting skills developed in earlier years, preparing them for the increased expectations of upper Key Stage 2.

Handwriting Expectations in Year 4