Safeguarding in sport
Safeguarding In Sport and PE
Following disclosures by Andy Woodward, Steve Walters and Paul Stewart about the abuse they suffered as young footballers, the importance of effective policies and procedures has once again being brought into sharp focus. We have to remember that the abuse of children by adults they trust can occur in any context.
NSPCC Football Helpline 0800 023 2642
The NSPCC has launched a dedicated football hotline for victims of abuse, supported by the FA. The free helpline will be available 24 hours a day on 0800 023 2642.
NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit
The NSPCC have dedicated resources for safeguarding children in sport. More details can be found here:
Sport-specific Safeguarding Resources
Sport is a terrific way for young people to develop their physical skills, team work and confidence. Thousands of people give up their time to coach and encourage youngsters, but occasionally incidents of grooming and abuse occur. Ensuring that children in sport are as safe as possible is much more rigorous than ever before.
Some schools hire out their facilities to community groups and this is an opportunity to make sure that people leading those teams have appropriate safeguarding procedures in place. I've collated below links to the safeguarding pages of the governing bodies of many sports to help build awareness and learn from each other.
Webinar – Understanding grooming of children and young people in Sport
Safeguarding in Athletics
Safeguarding In Cricket
Safeguarding in Football
Safeguarding in Gymnastics
Safeguarding in Netball
Safeguarding in Rugby
Safeguarding in Swimming
Safeguarding in Tennis