Digital Learning
Digital Learning
Remote Education Provision: Information for Parents - Mount Stewart Federation
In light of current national or local restrictions that may require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain home, we want to provide clear information on what to expect from our remote education provision. This plan aligns with the current Government guidance, and we have also outlined details for individual pupils who may be self-isolating.
Please refer to our website for the full Remote Learning policy for Mount Stewart Federation.
Remote Curriculum: What is Taught to Pupils at Home?
If your child's class faces temporary closure or remote learning is necessary, we aim to ensure a smooth transition to remote education.
- For Nursery and Reception: Initial home learning tasks will be provided by class teachers.
- For Key Stage 1 (Infants Year 1 and Year 2) and Key Stage 2 (all Juniors): Pupils will use their unique Google Classroom account for home learning. Class teachers will provide initial tasks within one working day of any school closure announcement.
We aim to maintain the same curriculum remotely as in school, tailored to remote learning. This includes live and recorded video lessons and individual and group online digital tasks.
Accessing Remote Education
- Nursery and Reception families will access remote learning through Tapestry
- Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils will access their learning via Google Classroom.
You will receive our latest remote learning guide via Google Classroom at the start of any closure, and it will also be available on our website.
We understand that not all pupils may have suitable online access at home. In such cases, we will:
- Quickly identify children facing difficulties accessing remote learning.
- Offer support, including the loan of a digital device or assistance with internet access.
- Provide alternative resources when digital remote learning is not suitable.
How Will My Child Be Taught Remotely?
We employ a range of approaches for remote teaching, in line with best practice guidance:
Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception):
- Weekly suggested activities aligned with developmental goals.
- Weekly Zoom or Google Meet meetings for EYFS classes, allowing children to share learning and news.
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (Years 1 – 6):
- Google Classroom as the main platform for lesson tasks and resources.
- Live video lessons via Google Meets.
- Encouragement of daily physical activity, regular PE lessons, and opportunities for art, music, and creativity.
Engagement and Feedback
Our expectations for children using remote learning align with our regular learning standards. We encourage children to log into Google Classroom daily, attend scheduled Meet sessions, and complete all assigned tasks. Teachers will review and provide feedback on their work each week.
We recognise that remote learning may be challenging for some families. Please contact your child's teacher or the school office if you face difficulties or require support with devices or internet access. Report safeguarding or health concerns to the school office through standard procedures.
Please ensure that the school office has your updated contact information. Class teachers may use their personal phones for remote learning management, leading to 'number withheld' or 'private number' alerts.
Remote Education for Self-Isolating Pupils
For individual pupils who need to self-isolate while their peer group attends school, remote education will differ slightly due to the dual teaching context. These pupils will receive tasks on Google Classroom, which may include online recorded lessons, and matching curriculum objectives taught in school. Daily live lessons may not be feasible, but our staff will maintain frequent contact with the family until the child safely returns to school.
We thank you for your cooperation and understanding during these challenging times. Please stay connected with us, and do not hesitate to reach out if you need assistance or support.
Online Learning Platforms
Students are encouraged to use the following online learning platforms to support them with independent learning. Students are trained on how to use each platform and provided with unique log-in details where needed.