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The Mount Stewart Schools home page

The Mount Stewart
Schools Federation

If the schools close will the children receive learning at home?

There will be a different course of action taken dependent upon whether the school is fully closed, partially closed, closed to children and staff or just to children.


For a short term closure;

  1. We can confirm that with any closure we will make use of the online learning packages that we already have in place such as Mathletics, Education City and TT rock stars.
  2. We have developed a virtual library ad other resources which will be uploaded to the year group pages of the website and we will use google classrooms.
  3. Vocabulary and spelling lists will also be uploaded onto the year group pages of the website.


For a longer term closure;

  1. We have developed our programme using google classrooms and teaching digitally so that pupils can be set tasks and assignments which the teachers are then able to view and offer feedback.


Whatever the circumstances we will do our best to ensure that your children can still learn and make progress.